Semester 2 Seminar Series

Semester 2 Seminar Series
Free the Map – Beyond state-centrism: reimagining maps of borders and migration
Hosted by the Citizenship and Migration Research Network with the Centre for Ethics and Critical Thought
15 January, 1pm-2.30pm, Chrystal Macmillan Building, Seminar Room 1
Environmental Aesthetics: CRITIQUE-EEHN Work-in-Progress Seminar with Samantha Vice (IASH)
15 January, 3.30pm-5pm, Chrystal Macmillan Building, 3.15
CRITIQUE-PTRG PostDoc Workshop: From Thesis to Book Manuscript
22 January, 3.30pm-5pm, Chrystal Macmillan Building, 3.15
The Birth of Sensory Power
CMRN-CRITIQUE Lecture, with Engin Isin (Glasgow) Location TBC
28 January, 4.30pm-6pm
The Existential Toolkit for Climate Justice Educators: CRITIQUE-EEHN Reading Group
29 January, 3.30pm-5pm, Chrystal Macmillan Building, 3.15
Situating (im)mobilities, (un)fixing borders
Citizens & Migration Research Network, Scottish PhD Student Conference
5-6 February, Location TBC
Black Transnationalism: CRITIQUE Seminar with with Prof. Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach (Amsterdam)
12 February, 3pm-4.30pm, Chrystal Macmillan Building, Seminar Room 2
Diversifying Philosophy: Routes and Problems: CRITIQUE Pedagogy Workshop with Prof. Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach (Amsterdam)
13 February, 11am-1pm, Chrystal Macmillan Building, Practice Suite
The far-right and the corporate world to the prism of climate politics and ecology
14 February, 2pm-5pm, Online via Zoom
On Left Internationalism: CRITIQUE-Social Anthropology Seminar with Ayça Çubukçu (LSE)
21 February, 3pm-5pm, Chrystal Macmillan Building, Violet Laidlaw Room
Liberalism, Freedom, and Immigration Restrictions
CRITIQUE-PTRG Seminar with Liz Hemsely (IASH)
26 February, 3pm-4.30pm, Chrystal Macmillan Building, 3.15
Decoding Humanity: PTRG-CRITIQUE Lecture with Prof Shannon Vallor (EDI)
5 March, 3pm-5pm, Chrystal Macmillan Building, Seminar Room 2
Music and the Limits of Socialist Solidarity: East Germany and the Third World – PTRG-CRITIQUE Seminar with Prof Elaine Kelly (EDI)
12 March, 3pm-4.30pm, Chrystal Macmillan Building, 3.15
Agreements ‘Beyond the Grave’: Time-Travelling Imperialism and the Temporal Limits of Treaties – PTRG-CRITIQUE Seminar with Sean Fleming (Nottingham)
19 March, 3pm-4.30pm, Chrystal Macmillan Building, 3.15
Critical Exchange on Dialogue and Decolonization
Hybrid event with: James Tully (Victoria), Karuna Mantena (Columbia), Inés Valdez (John’s Hopkins), Glen Coulthard (UBC), Josh Nichols (McGill)
26 March, 3pm-5pm, Chrystal Macmillan Building, Seminar Room 2
The Ethics of Scholarly Activism: PTRG-CRITIQUE Seminar with Michael Frazer (Glasgow)
2 April, 3pm-4.30pm, Chrystal Macmillan Building, 3.15
Rojava and the Kurdish Women’s Movement, CRITIQU-GENDER.ED Dialogue with Dilar Dirik
7-8 May, Details TBC