Recording Author-Meets-Critics with Danielle Celermajer on Summertime: Reflections on a Vanishing Future
On the 25th of February, CRITIQUE organised a virtual Auhtor Meets Critics roundtable with Professor Danielle Celermajer from the University of Sydney, on the occasion of the publication of her book: Summertime: Reflections on a Vanishing Future. Written in part during, and in part immediately after the Black Summer fires of 2019-2020 in Australia, Summertime is an attempt to write both as a philosopher and from the place of direct experience. It is an experiment in writing from the space of uncertainty, fear, love and grief, and at the same time to marshal the intellectual resources of our disciplines and their insights into uncertainty, fear, love and grief.
Respondents from SPS Edinburgh: Elizabeth Bomberg, Krithika Srinivasan, Elizabeth Cripps, Niamh Moore.
The recording of the event is available via this link.
To order the book, go to the Penguin site.