CRITIQUE Lecture Kant’s Grounded Cosmopolitanism – 17 May 2023, 3 pm

CRITIQUE Lecture by Jakob Huber (Free University Berlin).
Event co-sponsored with the Edinburgh Centre for International and Global Law.
In this lecture, Huber introduces a novel account of Kant’s global thinking, one that has hitherto been largely overlooked: a grounded cosmopolitanism concerned with spelling out the normative implications of the fact that a plurality of corporeal agents concurrently inhabit the earth’s spherical surface. It is neither concerned with a community of shared humanity in the abstract, nor of shared citizenship, but with a ‘disjunctive’ community of earth dwellers, that is, embodied agents in direct physical confrontation with each other. Kant’s grounded cosmopolitanism as laid out in the Doctrine of Right frames the question how individuals relate to one another globally by virtue of concurrent existence and derives from this a specific set of constraints on cross-border interactions.
Respondent: Nehal Butha (Edinburgh Law School).
Location: CMB 3.15.