CRITIQUE Virtual Lecture Climate Crisis, Institutional Denial and a Global Constitutional Convention for the Future with Stephen Gardiner (Washington) – 15 September 2021, 3 pm
In this virtual CRITIQUE Lecture Professor Stephen Gardiner starts from the assumption that we have reached crunch time for the climate and that this profound ethical challenge demands new institutions to address it. He invites us to consider a democratic possibility: that humanity should hold a global constitutional convention, akin to the American constitutional convention of 1787. He argues that this deliberative forum would confront the “governance gap” that prevents addressing the interests of young people and future generations, and propose solutions.
Stephen M. Gardiner is Professor of Philosophy and Ben Rabinowitz Endowed Professor of Human Dimensions of the Environment at the University of Washington, Seattle. His main areas of interest are ethical theory, political philosophy and environmental ethics. His research focuses on global environmental problems (especially climate change), future generations, and virtue ethics. Steve is the author of A Perfect Moral Storm: the Ethical Tragedy of Climate Change (Oxford, 2011), the coordinating co-editor of Climate Ethics: Essential Readings (Oxford, 2010), and the editor of Virtue Ethics: Old and New (Cornell, 2005). His most recent books are Debating Climate Ethics (Oxford, 2016), a “for and against” book on climate justice, with David Weisbach, and the Oxford Handbook on Environmental Ethics (Oxford, 2016), co-edited with Allen Thompson, and The Ethics of “Geoengineering” the Global Climate (Routledge, 2020), co-edited with Catriona McKinnon and Augustin Fragniere.
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