CRITIQUE-Theory in Sociology Seminar, Theorising the Digital – 13 October 2023, 11am

Our new ‘Theory in Sociology’ seminar series will be launched on Friday the 13th of October (11:00 -12:45), with a Panel discussion on ‘Theorising the Digital’, featuring Liz McFall, Karen Gregory and Ben Collier. The panel will present and discuss the theories which each of the speakers respectively draws on to think with in their empirical research about the digital. The seminar is thus meant to stimulate our own reflection about how we work through our data with theory. It is open to both research students and staff, and is the first of three for this academic year. Please register through the Eventbrite page we have set up for the panel discussion HERE. This seminar has the particularity of being embedded in a day-long workshop for postgraduate research students. If you are a postgraduate research student and want to find out about the day-long event and register for it, please consult the BSA page: From Data to Theory: Theorising at the intersection of digital sociology, economic sociology and STS ( Organized by Isabelle Darmon, Stephen Kemp, Elif Buse Doyuran, Joe Noteboom and Ari Stillman.
Location: Project room (1.06), 50 George Square.