
January 16, 2024

Writing Workshop with Prof Inés Valdez – The Craft of Writing | 13 May 2024

Workshop Description

In this session we discuss and learn to think of scholars as writers and to think of writing as a craft that must be practiced and perfected in community. The session will start by reading short pieces and discussing the writing experiences of participants, the question of accountability, and the sources of and obstacles to regular prolific academic writing. During this discussion, we’ll focus on (1) the problem of perfectionism among academics, (2) how to set smart goaolsfor writing and achieve them, (3) the natural evolution of projects and the right approach to writing in each of their stages. We will then set writing goals for an hour of writing and spend one hour writing. We will check in at the end of the session and set writing goals for the rest of the week. 

Workshop is open to PhD students and post-doctoral fellows.

Participants should come prepared with a laptop and an ongoing project in mind, for which they will set goals and on which they will do some writing.

Light lunch will be served during the workshop.

Inés Valdez is a political theorist at Johns Hopkins University, where she is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science.

Date/ time: Monday 13th May, 10.30am-1.30pm

Location: Screening Room, 50 George Square (TBC)

Registration is essential: Please sign up HERE.

This workshop is held with the support of the Student Development Office at the School of Social and Political Science